
L&L @ darc awards 2016


L&L is a partner in the second edition of the darc awards. The darc awards came into being in 2015 from a collaboration between the magazines mondo*arc and darc, and the creative consultants from Light Collective. They are considered the international Oscars of the architectural and decorative lighting world.

L&L is participating in this innovative and democratic awards format for the second year. Any lighting designer can participate by entering a project and voting for (another) lighting scheme. As a result, the competition is the only true peer-to-peer awards programme in the lighting world, totally focussed on the role of the lighting designer.

The darc awards also celebrate innovative lighting products – here, too, the votes are cast by independent lighting designers and light artists. The L&L innovations competing in the exterior luminaire category are the Akro projector and the Stra recessed fixture. In the interior luminaire category, our competing product is the Siri Track projector.

The awards ceremony will take place on the evening of 15 September in the industrial setting of MC Motors, in London. The darc night will include artistic performances with light art and lighting installations. L&L has made its own products available for the temporary installation Inner Iridescence, the work of lighting designers Veronica Lykou and Javier Marcos Castro from dpa lighting consultants London.