
L&L @ PLDC 2015 - Experience Room / Modelling daylight


In this Experience Room you will be able to explore a new approach towards the use of daylight in architectural design: a series of scale models enable the study and research of the spatial performance generated by the control of natural light.

In an architect’s training, the knowledge of the fundamental notions of natural light has diminished over the years. This is a direct consequence of the accessibilty of artificial light as a substitute.

The display of the various case studies demonstrates the experience gained by University of Florida students during the Daylight Courses at Vicenza Institute of Architecture.

These light study scale models are the focus of a new publication: a manual for experimentation with natural light, edited by Giovanni Traverso. The book offers a panorama of the most compelling arguments on the aspects that define the relationship between light and architecture.

The purpose is to raise awareness of the fact that natural light can play a fundamental expressive role in architecture and has important implications for our physiological health, positively affecting the experience of the user of the space.